• Originally, because Local Clients wanted me available online for their out of town family and friends.

  • Because myself and others have been able to lose fat, gain muscle and overcome various debilitating health issues.

  • To make my self accessible to other people who are ready for Total Fitness.

Because most people are misinformed about nutrition and fitness to the point of being “brain washed”, I was one of those. I’ve seen what bad nutrition and bat exercise has done to me, Family, Friends and others. I’ve also seen how we can turn around bad health/physique with the right food & exercise.
This is a very rewarding en-devour. Seeing others improve their appearance and health is a wonderful sense of accomplishment like no other. I am thankful I was able to see the light in time for me and for those who are willing to practice Total Fitness.


  • Bulging Lumbar Disk, Foot bone growth & torn ACL

  • Cervical Disk Injury

  • Shoulder Joint Injury

  • Rib Cage Injury

  • Excess Visceral & Subcutaneous Fat

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Fast Heart Beat

  • High Blood Sugar

  • Bloating

  • Difficulty Gaining Muscle

  • Joint Pain


  1. Minimizing body aches

  2. Shrinking Waist Line

  3. Increasing Muscle Mass

  4. Lowering Blood Pressure and Heart rate


Practice Ketosis + Intensity = Total Fitness so personal Goals can be accomplished

Appeal to Authority

This is most People’s weakness, and is something I automatically question. I’ve learned that most of what “People in Authority” spout about Fitness is not verifiable and that much of what the Medical Industry spouts about health is not beneficial to their Patient, but very profitable to the Industry. I do not “appeal to authority”, I appeal to that which is verifiable and based on undeniable facts. The undeniable facts about Nutrition and Health can be verified if one is willing to do so.
One example of “appeal to authority” is how so many people accept the AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION’s food recommendations
https://porcupine-clavichord-5rby.squarespace.com/config/pages :
“1. Fill half your plate with nonstarchy vegetables.”
”2. Fill one quarter of your plate with lean protein foods”
”3. Fill one quarter of your plate with carbohydrate foods”
These recommendations do not coincide with the known effects of Plant toxin accumulation in our bodies (ex: Kidney Stones)
These recommendations do not coincide with the known fact that animal fat is nutritious and essential for us to thrive
These recommendations do not coincide with the known effects of Carbs on our Insulin levels and the fact that Diabetes and a long list of negative health conditions are caused by Carbohydrate consumption.

We must appeal to ourselves for Authority, I taught the following to my Kids:
”The most important factor in learning is to doubt all information because we do not want to be indoctrinated.”